May 25Liked by Hunter Harris

Fair enough but Courtney Love is the true white Azealia Banks

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They knew that voice sounded like her and retroactively tried to get her on board is my bet but ScarJo is about her coins, especially royalty coins, which she would not get if she voiced that chatbot. It’s almost as if, AI likeness without future payouts is one of the reasons the actors guild strike happened. 🤔 I thought tech bros were the brightest of us all. 🤭

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I agree - Washington post had a story reporting that openai hired the actress whose voice they used before they reached out to scarjo, but that doesn't seem like a smoking gun to me. it's reasonable to me that (even if unconsciously) clearly scarjo was the goal/standard, and they favored a voice that sounded like hers

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looking at the timeline and the comments from the industry it seems they wanted her originally, she said no, so they big fat did it anyway because tech bro entitlement 🤮

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May 25·edited May 26

Oh shit, well Bryan Lourd is Carrie Fisher's kind-of-ex-husband and she roasted George Lucas' to his face about making her sign away the rights to her image when she was 19 and had no idea how much money he was going to make off of licensing deals. Gotta imagine BL negotiated whatever deal Billie Lourd likely has with the Disney Corporation over usage of Princess Leia imagery. So he's not just ScarJo's agent. Altman really did not think through the "ask for forgiveness, not permission" strategy in who he's dealing with.

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yessss someone knows the Lourd family web!

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May 25Liked by Hunter Harris

I wouldn’t expect AI douchbros to understand that there’s a specific law in California about unauthorized use of a celeb likeness that was brought forward by Bela Lugosi’s son (who was an entertainment lawyer). But you gotta be stupid to mess with Bryan Lourde.

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wait i'm not following, sorry - i know lourd and fisher were married but carrie fisher roasted george lucas to bryan lourd's face, or bryan lourd to lucas's face? but yes, as THE power agent it is so weird for sam altman to cross him. then again altman was fired and rehired and it hasn't been reported why which is so sus!

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May 25Liked by Hunter Harris

Sorry, too many hes in that sentence! Carrie's speech for George Lucas getting the American Film Institute's Life Achievement Award. Made in 2005, long after Lourd left her for his husband https://speakola.com/arts/carrie-fisher-george-lucas-afi-2005

"George, the fact that you made me into a little doll that my first husband could stick pins into ... a shampoo bottle where people could twist my head off and pour liquid out of my neck – "lather up with Leia and you'll feel like a princess yourself!" ... and yes, the little Pez dispensers so my daughter Billie could pull my head back and pull the wafer out of my neck every time she doesn't want to do her homework ... I suppose I don't mind...And though amongst your many possessions you have owned my likeness lo these many years, so that every time I look in the mirror I have to send you a check for a couple of bucks."

When I read about it being Bryan Lourd's client, my response was Altman can bullshit the finance/tech sector, but I'd put money on Lourd in an actual fight.

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ahh ok yes that makes sense. on first read i misunderstood that as lourd was managing her when she made the star wars deal and i was getting so confused haha

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I was curious enough to look up the law b/c I have to do that sort of thing anyways for work and it's written into California Civil Code, Section 3344: "it is unlawful, for the purpose of advertising or selling, to knowingly use another’s name, voice, signature, photograph, or likeness without that person’s prior consent...The statute also sets a term of 50 years for post-mortem rights of publicity, and additionally allows for registration with the secretary of state as successor-in-interest to the right. California common law protects against misappropriation of a person’s name, likeness, and identity." https://higgslaw.com/celebrities-sue-over-unauthorized-use-of-identity/

James Earl Jones made some deal with Disney about using his voice for Darth Vader, which is creepy enough on its own. But I'm hoping that Lourd pushes through some kind of litigation to at least get the issue further into public debate.

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‘Scarlett Johansson kind of strikes me as the white Azealia Banks.’ Hunter u owe me a glass of store-brand lemonade

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May 25Liked by Hunter Harris

I could not take Her seriously. I just saw a movie about a very stupid man who fell in love with a computer thingy that wasn’t real, then got upset that she was a virtual slut.

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"Her star Scarlett Johansson" — I see what you did there 👏🏻 😏

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May 25Liked by Hunter Harris

💖1000% here for it! ⚡️⚡️⚡️👏👏👏

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I habitually forget Scarlett and Ryan were ever married (as she would like it I presume). LOL They were so undercover for a celeb couple (their only joint public appearance I remember is at the Tony’s when she won) and divorced in short order with nary a word. 😆

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Why are we pointing fingers at ScarJo exactly? It’s 💯 shameful what OpenAI did. They blatently ignored the fact that she said no to using her ‘voice’ AND decided it would be ‘cute’ to flaunt it in their marketing. Ask yourself whose really gaining from all this coverage… it’s not ScarJo.

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pointing fingers how? Scarjo is clearly in the right. I don't think openai benefits from this dispute at all — their basic incompetence is on display, and now a very famous person is the face of creative resistance to their technology. settlement or not, they've made a powerful enemy

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I most definitely do not want to argue or offend — I just felt the angle of your story was to put a negative spin on ScarJo for the lawsuits. IMO, using the law to push back on big corporations like OpenAI and Disney is the only option she has outside of just taking it. I will however take you at your word - if you say your intention wasn’t to point fingers at her, I’ll agree. I only wish more people would follow her lead. The big companies playing in this space need to think about more than the bottom line, but that’s my soap box.

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Wait wait wait why do we hate Ryan I’ve had nothing but good experiences 👀

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i just can't stand his Whole Thing. the "cutting" sarcasm, the bah humbug of it all ... idk he just does nothing for me!

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WITH YOU ON THIS. The idea that the guy from waiting and two guys a girl and a pizza place (showing my age lol) has somehow managed to dominate in the film industry is PUZZLING to say the least. He’s so grating.

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It’s less his shall we say humble beginnings that astound me but that he got SO MANY TRIES to hit it big. They were not going to quit until that man was an A list star.

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Yes 100% agree! His smarminess gets on my last nerve and I am so puzzled by his stardom.

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Right? When he made it as a movie star I was like that guy? Van Wilder?

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not to mention all the public husband and wife banter

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May 25Liked by Hunter Harris

Not to quote Family Guy but he really insists upon himself

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Where can I hear this faux ScarJo voice? My google skills did not come through on this one

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Don't worry, Google is also using AI so you probably wouldn't find what you were looking for anyway

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Your title is hilarious🤣

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The good: her twirling laughing meme from Marriage Story.

also cannot waaaait for your RHONY takss (if you decide to bless us)

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Thanks for relinking to that Roger Deakins post- reading it when you first wrote it made me cry laughing, and I just watched No Country for Old Men (in the cinema no less) for the very first time, and That's My Man!!!, so I will be revisiting.

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