Jul 6Liked by Hunter Harris

“being at the cusp of getting cropped out of every photo of three or more famous white women together”

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Damn I really was about to rush to the comments to ask if white people knew what a homegoing was but then you made it a footnote 😂

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Ty for your service 🫡

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Jul 6Liked by Hunter Harris

Yes you should watch the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders show but you should also be watching Love Island USA because this season is absolutely iconic and there are so many great storylines (I wish to read whatever you would write about Rob and his overalls - IYKYK).

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I second watching the Dallas cheerleading show . It’s fascinating

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Seconded! Both are critical watches and you’ll enjoy the DCC doc (by the same folks behind Cheer), even if you didn’t watch the CMT show

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When I zoomed in on that drake photo and saw a Hello Kitty adhesive on his nail I gasped - not him trying to pull my 6 yr old daughter lol.

he’s never beating the allegations!!

Also re the video: Kendrick hopscotching is my fave part. That man’s brain!

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Drake could also use some crisis coms for shitting the bed.

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The pupils on that white man (right) in that Drake pic are the size of dinner plates

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Jul 6Liked by Hunter Harris

There is so much about that video I’ll never get (without watching all the deep dive reactions), but even the little bits I do get are so satisfyingly petty

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Jul 6Liked by Hunter Harris

“…the detail that encourages Drake fans when they take a break from deciphering credit card statements, DJ Akademiks YouTube comments, and the check they’re about to ask you to split” DEAD 💀🤣

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Jul 6Liked by Hunter Harris

I’m not saying anything new here but fucking genius-ass writing.

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Jul 6Liked by Hunter Harris

I’d say go for the Dallas cowboy cheerleader show, it’s wild for a European! This is what a certain kind of America feels for us. Also, they’re being paid literally nothing! It’s mind-boggling 😠

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thank you for mentioning the business casual!!!

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just diabolical! i loved it

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Jul 6Liked by Hunter Harris

Yes, try it! I unashamedly love all the tv shows in the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader oeuvre and I highly recommend the netflix one.

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I cannot with the ketchup toes. CANNOT!

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Because of this substack I just went down a rabbit hole and was on MB’s instagram. Calling Caesar Salad ”Cae Sal” and hamburgers “boigas” 🙃🙃🙃! That’s time I will never get back….

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The "boigas wit chovies" was a low I didn't think could be topped (bottomed)

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where were yall for "chicky chicky bread bread" https://www.instagram.com/mollybaz/p/CKpINU8Bm4B/?img_index=1

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Oh god not "thiccc (in the) clubbb" I want to die of embarrassment

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This sounds like something Tom Haverford from Parks and Rec would say (derogatory)

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Her appeal is mind boggling to me. I bought her first cookbook on hype and I can barely look at it because of all this

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I cannot tell if she's getting worse or if I'm just generally more irritable (both)

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she is definitely getting worse

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It is too baby talk adjacent, given the context of ketchup baby toes

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I remember when I just knew her as the Bon Appétit chef who was always getting rightfully annoyed at the boss who turned out to be a racist or something. Everything else has been against my will

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I have nothing to add about the Dallas show because I haven’t watched it, but fun fact the New York Jets cheerleaders used to practice in my gym (NYSC, lol) and I witnessed them sitting in a circle passing around a stuffed animal and taking turns crying and now it’s a core memory for me

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Re: Dallas cheerleading show - I got bored in the first 15 minutes. It’s entirely predictable, trying to elevate to *prestige sports docs*. This is not to take away from how fucking hard the cheerers work, and how little they get paid, but the doc was meh to me. I didn’t finish it.

However if you want obscure sports drama, may I suggest Unchained, the Netflix doc about Tour de France!

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Second the Tour de France show! So niche, so exciting lol

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if you liked that one, I bet you would also like the Mark Cavendish one on Netflix! He just broke the world record for most TDF stage wins ever

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I saw the stage win and definitely will be watching his doc! Thank you for the rec! Another niche sports doc is the surfing one on AppleTV! Not quite as good but fascinating to learn more about surfing!

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I don’t know where else to put this so: I finally watched Beautiful Boy last night and you know, I think I get where Club Chalamet is coming from now.

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